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Hello-the National Year of Communication

Picture of Kim Turner
Hello-the National Year of Communication
by Kim Turner - Friday, 18 February 2011, 3:16 PM

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  • Hello is the national year of communication- A campaign to increase understandingof how important it is for childrena nd young people to develop good communication skills.
  • The campaign is run by The Communications Trust, a coalition of 40 leading voluntary secotr organisations; in partnership with Jean Gross, the Governments Communication Champion. Together we aim to make 2011 the year when children's communication skills become a priority in schools and homes across the country.
  • The campaign is backed by the Department for Education and supported by BT and Pearson Assessment.
  • Please visit to sign up for further information on how you can help improve the communication skills of children and young people - so that they can live their life to the full.

1st March 2011 ICAN Chatterbox Challenge everyone singing "head, shoulders, knees and toes"

3rd March 2011 World Book Day.